Call-To-Action: Why It Matters

What Is a Call-To-Action


Would you read all about it after being yelled at on the streets? Probably not. Come to think of it, this type of candid call-to-action certainly would have worked in its day. Newspaper stands, radio, television, and paper boys would mediate and direct attention to an audience without so much of a “skip ad”, like, or emoji.

However, as time and people continue to change, marketing has been forced to change too.

In essence, your call-to-action stands out from the rest of the copy in order to persuade the audience to perform a desired action. Let’s say you’re looking to drive traffic to a website or push new products, what do you do? First and foremost, it’s important to implement your set of goals and align them to the overall messaging, from strategy to brief to production. Once you’ve secured the look, feel, and everything in-between – you can start with your content. 

Find out more about how your advertising becomes your content here.

The Funnel and Consumer

Direct your attention away from call-to-actions for a minute and think about what comes before that motivational push. Do your goals follow the marketing funnel or just parts of it? Are you meeting customer touch points? If you’re struggling to answer those questions, your brand will likely repeat stages from start to finish until it converts first-time buyers into long-term customers – for a lot longer than you’d like. Think of it like a formula – your goals don’t just come alive straight away or push people to buy your new socks online – it’s an ongoing process. This process gives your audience a reason to believe that you’re not just selling a brand, you’re building it.

Driving the Message Behind Every Call-To-Action

Driving the message behind every call-to-action is one of, if not the most, important part of the overall delivery. The message you deliver has the power to set your brand apart from your competitors, but it could also position your business as either reputable or unprofessional in the eyes of the consumer. So, write wisely. Remember, your message should be consumer-centric, not product-centric. 

Let’s say you’re trying to market XYZ to an audience who wants to automate or optimise their services for clients and customers alike. The goal is to onboard 20 new clients by the end of the year while maintaining relationships with existing clients. However, there are a number of businesses that offer the same product. So, what now? With future prospects in mind, you want to push awareness, drive traffic to the website, and generate leads but you don’t know where to start. 

Post after post with no engagement in sight, just the few likes here and there from your long distant cousin who’s been meaning to visit. And yet, no real bait. What are you doing wrong? What does your overarching message look like? Is it the strategy or SEO techniques? Maybe, all of the above. 

Taking the above example into consideration, not only is it important to implement the right strategy but to also ask the right questions: “Why should prospective customers’ purchase the product?” “What’s in it for them?” and “What are competitors doing differently?”.

That said, when you prepare your posts, publications, and/or email campaigns, remember the why’s, who’s and how’s. Whether it’s long-form or short-form, it’s easy to stick a “sign-up” button at the end of every page, it’s harder to get your audience there when there’s nothing to show for it. 

Find out more about Digital Marketing Solutions That Will Take Your Business to the Next Level here.

Why Your Call-To-Action Matters

While copy lays the foundation for your call-to-action, you also need to be aware of how abrupt or subtle you are with your audience. It’s one thing to highlight a ‘50% OFF’ sale but it’s a different story when you’ve posted new blog content: ‘How to manage your time’ etc. It’s all synced to what your business stands for as a brand. CTAs can be fun and playful while others are more reserved and to the point. Go back to your objectives and work out how you can use that information to address the audience’s pain points. 

We’re also constantly being bombarded with different adverts –  from the minute we wake up to the very moment we go to bed. To reiterate, not only is it important to get your brand in front of the right people, but it’s also essential to persuade your audience to stay for the long haul. This is where you can get creative and personalise CTA’s with meaning and purpose. That’s the art of writing. If you can take simple command phrases and adjust them in a way that serves your target audience, then you’ve got it.  

CTAs don’t always have to be short or direct, they can be tailored. Don’t despair if you’re not quite there, you’ll find tons of tips on how to create the best CTA. Remember, the kind of CTA you use is what links your audience to where the action is. Whether it’s directing them to your online store or asking people to subscribe to a newsletter, a motivational “do this right now” will give them the push they need to get there. 


When you’re busy writing your call-to-action, remember why you’re marketing the specific product/service in the first place. This is where the fundamentals of copywriting come in. You’re reaching out to an audience that had no intention of making a purchase or showing interest at the very moment you popped up. With the online clutter that audiences face day-to-day, give them a good enough reason to listen, engage and take action. 

Here at Flume, our clients come first. We offer various services, including web, app, platform production, SEO, Data Analytics, digital strategy, creative production, and publishing. Whether you need to revamp your website or create engaging social media content, Flume has the expertise to make it happen. So why wait? Contact us today to learn how Flume can help your business thrive in the digital world!

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