The Social Media Influencer Guide

If you work in social media, I can almost guarantee that you flinch at the mention of the word ‘influencer.’ More like influenza, right? (Ha ha.)

Lesbihonest here…

Most ‘influencers’ will influence you about as much as a vegan who recommends a meaty dinner. Nooot much! So, in an effort to ‘be more influenced,’ and from the perspective of a community manager, I put together a little guide on how I’d like influencers to work their charm.

A few pointers (because OBVS you’re going to read the guide):

  • Let’s speak English, ok? ‘Waw dis plce us bUtiful’ is not ok. Sure, your fans may be accustomed to some vernac (that’s what the kids say?), but readability is KEY.
  • Show me pretty pictures! Yes, I’m being superficial, but tweeting about your gorgeous Mauritian holiday without showing me your gorgeous Mauritian holiday is pointless.
  • EASY on those emoji, tiger; let’s limit them to 3 per post.? ? ? ?

My guide offers a few more tips, AND it’s pretty! ?

Here’s the super-easy-to-download PDF to help you, the influencer, be a little less influenza.

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