The Power Of Perseverance

We’ve all been there, received a daunting brief, had to start a massive project or just begin working on a new client or campaign. Seeing the end goal makes you feel sick to the stomach because you don’t know how or who or when you’re going to get this done, but you’re working against the clock and also you’re a perfectionist…

In my experience, the anxiety and fret doesn’t go away, but I can say that seeing the end product come to life is one of the most exhilarating adventures you’ll ever go on. Sometimes the beginning-to-end is a few days, hours even and in some cases, it’s months or years worth of work. Many times during the journey you’ll ask yourself what the point is, question your skill and then in the same breath fight for your idea like no man’s business. You’ll get tired of reverts and suggestions and disappointments and disagreements. BUT I promise you that once you start to see a fragment of the project you’ve worked so hard at conceptualising, actually coming to life, you’ll feel full.

Now, perseverance is not something that comes naturally to many people. There are many emotions and habits that factor in here – excitement that turns to boredom, conviction that turns to doubt and dreams that are partially turned into reality. All of these things are completely normal and the pattern never changes, it’s just the situation that does.

So how does one persevere when you feel as if your dreams, hopes and creativity is being flung to the wind? You adapt, that’s how. I cannot stress enough how adapting to and knowing when to accept and let go helps you persevere more than any meditation technique or rant-session. I am not saying that you should not stand for what you believe in, what I am saying is that rationalising every situation not only helps you see things in a new light, but it really does help you see the bigger picture. Ask yourself this every time you feel like you’re being challenged “is it really going to make or break this project and does this completely change the bigger picture?” If the answer is NO, move on and continue visualising the end-goal. If the answer is YES, remove your emotional stance and fight for what (in your opinion) is right. But always, always remain true to the objective of the project/campaign.

Persevere with everything you have. A drawing on a serviette could turn into an art piece. A few words scribbled on a notepad could turn into a slogan. And a concept could turn into something bigger than your wildest dreams. Just trust the process, persevere through the nitty-gritties and revel at the results.


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