The Digital Diary: How We Create Magic Every Month – As a Team

One of the ways we love to give back is through our Digital Diary, a free monthly resource packed with valuable insights based on research that we share on our platforms.  

But valuable insights on what, exactly? 

“The Digital Diary is a rundown on where the digital world is right now.”–Mduduzi Mthombeni (aka Duzzi), Motion Designer

And this rundown has never been more important. 

“What I’ve learned from being part of this project is just how fast-paced the digital world is… how things are literally changing in real time, every single day. And how a week is like a year in the digital world.”–Duzzi

In this blog, we’re going to explain how the Diary is crafted each month, why the team sees it as a labour of love, and why it’s the perfect embodiment of our epic Flume culture.  

But First, the Creation

Why did the monthly Diary even start in May 2023? (Back when ChatGPT had just come onto the scene… oh, how things have changed.) 

We asked Stephie B, Junior Strategist and best creative-cat-herder ever, and she explained that Co-CEO Jacques Du Bruyn “wanted to showcase our understanding of digital technology and its innovation” to existing clients, potential clients, marketers… and anyone wanting to stay “woke” on the digital game, really.


By crafting this Diary of social media updates and AI advancements (through rigorous research that Stephie B does non-stop), Flume continues to stay “at the forefront of any changes in the digital realm, aka our realm”, says the strategist. But more than that, the Diary was also always intended to be “A Gen Z take on all the updates in the world of the digital 👀”, says Stephie B.

“Aaaaaalfie 🎶” (Any Gen Zs out there know what she’s talking about?) 

But as time passed, and the Diary grew to include a bigger team, it became about more than staying informed to help others navigate developments in social media and AI tools. It became a way for Flumers, with different perspectives and skills, to come together and create something new – as a team.


“Not everybody’s life is the same… Our experiences aren’t the same, our viewpoints aren’t the same, and we don’t see the world the same. And it’s beautiful when you can take from different inspirations and perspectives – and create something unique.”–Duzzi 

The Colleagues

“Two designers, two writers, an animator, and a strategist walk into a brainstorm…”

Every month, our amazing Stephie B gathers people (ahem, herds cats) from the creative team into a meeting room, so that they can brainstorm the Diary. It’s a collaborative process where the team discusses Stephie B’s research, which she’s already crafted into a copy doc. 

(Sidenote: One of the reasons Flume is quickly growing into the go-to agency is that we really are independently in-house. We offer everything from strategy to SEO to data analytics to dev to creative work to… [You get it, right?]. And the fact that the Digital Diary’s head honcho is a strat beast and an excellent copywriter says volumes about our talent.)  

The brainstorming session is always crackling with a creative current thanks to five creative talents in particular. 

There’s: Lorian Pecker (Senior Content Writer), Bianca Vermeulen (Mid 2D/3D Animator), Daniel Moyane (Junior Digital Designer), Mduduzi Mthombeni (Motion Designer) and Niek Marshall (Senior Copyeditor).    

“I have the BEST COLLEAGUES 😭. Being able to work together on the DD every month is for sure a highlight for me. I love having brainstorms and being able to take the time to share ideas and to work together to bring it to life ♥️.”–Bianca

The Creativity

“Creativity is rebellion.”–Duzzi

Our monthly brainstorming sessions are more like jam sessions, where the creatives riff off each other, giving life to exciting ideas and rebellious thinking. 

The Flumers’ creative capacity shines through in this project because unlike much of the work we do (ie work for clients), this piece of content doesn’t have many restrictions. There are no taboos and the team can go b*lls to the wall (okay, even we can’t be tooooo liberal with our copy). 

“The DD definitely tests my creativity in a positive way. It gives us the space to collaborate, take more risks, and have fun with each edition”, says Bianca, and Duzzi agrees: “The DD is one of the few projects that I’ve worked on where you’re just allowed to just throw ideas or throw perspectives onto a whiteboard – and then just work from there.”

It is a valuable resource that truly helps readers stay on top of the digital world, but we never wanted it to be just a plain old pdf. That’s why every month effort and love go into the Diary.

The Culture

Behind this collaboration lies the beating heart of the agency: a strong culture bound by deep bonds and mutual respect. Ours is a place where every idea is valued, and every voice is heard.

“I’m probably the least creative in the team, so I don’t contribute very much in the brainstorming sessions, but I love being involved in them. Because I get to see how my colleagues support, encourage and respect each other. I admire how well Stephie B marshals everyone and I appreciate that everyone brings their whole heart to the project. Plus, sometimes there’s cookies.”–Niek 

Not only is the Diary a free asset that provides real value to clients, but it’s also a testament to our strength as Team Flume.

The Clients

Each month, we share our Digital Diary, and so far it’s not just the team who loves it. Clients find it to be a quick and entertaining way to catch up on all things digital – something that’s becoming more important since, as Duzzi pointed out, a week is like a year in the digital world.

“Thanks for sharing the latest edition with me – this is really great! 

Being caught up in the busyness of the corporate day-to-day, I barely get time to do my own reading up on trends and developments in this space – so it’s just what I need to stay in the loop.

In short, consider this an opt-in for me, please continue to send this monthly Digital Diary.”–Khutso Lebelo, Absa Senior Marketing Manager

The Change

And so, the journey continues. With each passing month, the Digital Diary evolves, grows, and inspires – just like the team behind it. 

When we asked Stephie B how the Diary has evolved over the months, she had this to say: 

“I think it’s best if I send you our first-ever edition and you can have a laugh… Safe to say the Diary’s grown substantially 🤭.”

The Conclusion

We love our Digital Diary and we hope you do too. 

“It’s been an amazing opportunity to do exactly what I think of when I think of creativity… which is to see things from a different perspective or to try and do something different.”–Duzzi

Have a look at June’s edition here. And if you love it as much as we do, please share, share, share!

Flume is an independent, full-service digital marketing agency providing services that include SEO, web design and development, public relations, media buying, client service, UX/UI, and creative production. For more information visit or email us  to say, well, “hello”.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Digital Diary and why was it created?

    • The Digital Diary is a free monthly resource from Flume, filled with valuable insights on social media updates and AI advancements. It was created in May 2023 to showcase Flume's understanding of digital technology and innovation, providing valuable information to clients, marketers, and anyone interested in the digital landscape.
  • Who are the key team members involved in creating the Digital Diary?

    • The key team members include Stephie B (Junior Strategist), Lorian Pecker (Senior Content Writer), Bianca Vermeulen (Mid 2D/3D Animator), Daniel Moyane (Junior Digital Designer), Mduduzi Mthombeni (Motion Designer), and Niek Marshall (Senior Copyeditor). These individuals collaborate each month to brainstorm and produce the Diary.
  • How does the team approach the creation of the Digital Diary each month?

    • The creation process begins with Stephie B conducting thorough research and drafting a copy document. The team then gathers for a brainstorming session where they discuss ideas, collaborate, and bring their unique perspectives to the project. This collaborative approach ensures that the Diary is a creative and informative resource.
  • What makes the Digital Diary unique compared to other digital marketing resources?

    • The Digital Diary stands out due to its collaborative creation process, the diverse perspectives of the team, and the freedom to experiment with creative ideas. Unlike client projects, the Diary allows the team to take more risks and have fun with the content, resulting in a dynamic and engaging resource.
  • How has the Digital Diary evolved since its inception?

    • Since its first edition, the Digital Diary has grown and evolved significantly. It started as a way to stay informed about digital developments but has become a platform for creative expression and team collaboration. The Diary continues to improve and adapt, reflecting the fast-paced changes in the digital world and the team's growth.
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