Design Tips- Websites

In the digital age where users spend most of their time on the Internet, visiting a number of websites per day, you need to make sure that your website is leaving a lasting impression. The question is just how do you do that? Follow these easy tips:

The website should attract and engage with the user.  Website content along with the design must be meaningful, informative and guide the user to what they are looking for.

The design and the call to action need to be clever, to draw the user in. Each page must have a clear purpose.

Users want to be intrigued by design elements or content to further go and explore the website. Elements that should catch the user’s eye include: design (use of colour, fonts, images) or technical elements. If any of these elements fail to attract and engage with the user, they are sure to leave the website quite quickly.

How to make your website stand out from the crowd:  

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