Changing it up and finding your groove

Ever felt the need to make that change for the betterment of your career or even just for a new challenge? The thought crossed my mind during the course of 2018, and with the year coming to a close, I was afforded an opportunity to move into a different role.


A new year, a new outlook on my career in an ever-evolving industry. What more could one ask for? I find myself starting off the year eager to learn as much as I can and in order to propel my career-forward in this fast-paced and evolving industry. I asked myself what had driven me to take this bold step, and I came up with a few points that might help you understand why I did it, and that might help you make your own in the future.


In today’s digital and client service industries, each branch or service offering is intertwined, and overlaps with the others to a greater or lesser extent. Logically, working in client service as an account manager and wanting to move into a purely media buying role shouldn’t be that much of an adjustment if you (in your time as an account manager) have developed the necessary skills, as mentioned in my previous blog post, “Media Buying Fundamentals for Client Service Reps”.

Once the fundamentals are in place, transitioning into a new area of specific expertise is made far more seamless due to this overlap in knowledge. That’s the fun and amazing thing about this industry: it’s ever-changing, ever-evolving, and with current trends demanding that digital employees begin to up their skills, there’s no resting on your laurels as an employee, either.

With that said, it is imperative that as an employee and service provider, you are up to date on industry news and service offering innovations, and new competitors in the market. As a brand, it is imperative that your agency is in the know in this regard, and that you are confident that your agency is always ahead of the curve with new opportunities to capture and delight new markets.

A role change can be daunting, and many are unsure of making a move, even if their interest lay elsewhere within their industries. If you are one of these people, I’ve made a short list of pros and cons on the topic of changing career paths within the digital industry, that you might find useful.  

  • Similar knowledge base. Ultimately, all job descriptions are unique and have its own deliverables, but the nature of the digital industry forces individuals equip themselves with knowledge of other disciplines and that is where the overlap occurs. In short, it’s the difference between knowing fundamentals vs advanced techniques.
  • Betterment of one’s self and career. Knowledge is power and the more you acquire, the better equipped you are for making more informed decisions which will ultimately benefit your employer and brand portfolio.
  • Knowledge and content are readily available for consumption, which is great in terms of saving time in an already busy industry.
  • Client benefits because the more sound your knowledge is, the better equipped you are for a more holistic approach to satisfying their needs.
  • Future opportunities keep us motivated and open up career opportunities.



  • Time is a luxury that few are afforded during work, so improving your knowledge will, unfortunately, mean sacrificing some of your precious free time to learn more advanced techniques.
  • Client relationships may be affected, as you will not be the be the main point of contact for your brand portfolio anymore and they would have to build a new relationship with a new account manager.

In conclusion, the digital industry is flexible enough for employees to take the leap and make a change. I’m not saying it would be easy, but there are opportunities to make it happen. That said, I suggest you consider it if you are afforded the opportunity to move into a role that genuinely interests you.

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