Business as Usual

Message to Clients: It is without a doubt a challenging time for most as we face a 21-day lockdown, as announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 23 March. As individuals are being tasked to ensure the safety of those around us and ourselves, we are also seeing businesses take a crippling knock with business closures, manufacturing coming to a halt, diminished workforces and more.

In this time of uncertainty, we at Flume would like to assure you that our business has been built in such a way that has allowed us to be agile and highly adaptive. More importantly, what this means for you as a valued client, is that we will continue as normal. We remain focused on delivering our work commitments and looking after you and your communication needs during this trying time, which we hope will assist you in managing your work requirements.

We hope that you and your family stay safe, and please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions.

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