How Digital PR Can Amplify Your Brand’s Online Presence

You might think Public Relations is all about hashtags, damage control in the face of cancel culture, and viral videos, but its roots run much deeper. 


Why PR Still Matters: A Journey from the Past to TikTok

From shaping public opinion in the early 20th century to driving today’s TikTok trends, PR has always been about one thing: influence. And here’s why that matters: In a world where attention is as fleeting as a thumb scroll, knowing how to shape perceptions is the key to building a brand that survives and thrives.


Edward Bernays (known as “the father of public relations”) understood this back in the 1920s when he pioneered the idea of using psychology to craft messages that were carefully architected to persuade. His “Torches of Freedom” campaign didn’t just sell cigarettes; it redefined women’s liberation (Forbes). Meanwhile, Ivy Lee, founder of modern public relations, was revolutionising how businesses communicated with the public by creating the press release – a tool that set the gold standard for transparency and crisis management (Georgia Historical Society). Lee believed that telling the truth – openly and clearly – was the best way to manage public perception, a principle that still underpins effective PR.


Fast forward to the present, and while the platforms have changed, the game remains the same. Digital PR has taken the foundational principles of Bernays and Lee and supercharged them with the speed and reach of the internet. Whether riding the wave of TikTok’s “very demure, very cutesy” trend or planting the seeds for the next big cultural moment, PR is as much about being reactive as it is about being proactive. It’s about knowing when to follow the trend and when to set it – and the brands that master this balance are the ones that lead the conversation, shape public perception, and ultimately, win the market.


So, why does PR matter? Because in an era where everything is digital and everyone is competing for attention, digital PR is the tool that ensures what you have to say is heard. It’s the strategy that doesn’t just keep you in the game – it puts you ahead of the curve, influencing audiences on a scale that Bernays and Lee could have only dreamed of. 


What is Digital PR, and How Does It Differ from Traditional PR?

To understand how digital PR can amplify your brand’s online presence, let’s first tackle what it actually is – and how it’s a bit different from the PR strategies of the past. Imagine traditional PR as the original press release Ivy Lee crafted in 1906, relying heavily on relationships with journalists and media outlets to get the message out via print, TV, or radio. It was all about carefully managing reputations with a select few gatekeepers, hoping your story made the evening news or landed on the front page.


Digital PR, however, has taken that foundation and transformed it into something faster, more dynamic, and – let’s be honest – a lot more fun. 


Refilwe Makamedi, PR Account Director, says it best: 


“Digital PR refers to the use of online strategies to increase a brand’s visibility and reputation through various digital channels such as websites, social media, blogs, influencers, and online publications. Instead of waiting for the morning paper, digital PR happens in real time, engaging directly with audiences on their favourite platforms.”


It’s not about leaving behind the values of traditional PR, but more about expanding them. In short, digital PR brings the power of social media influencers, blogs, and even viral memes into the mix, allowing brands to have more control over their narrative. So, while traditional PR often focuses on gatekeepers, digital PR invites the entire online community into the conversation.


Why is Digital PR Important for a Brand’s Online Presence Today?

At its core, digital PR aims to improve your brand’s online visibility, boost credibility, and get the attention of not just any audience – but your audience. Samuel Mokuoane, PR Account Executive, explains: 


“Digital PR is crucial for a brand’s online success. It involves securing high-quality backlinks and mentions from reputable online sources to improve search engine rankings, enhance credibility, and expand audience reach.”


Think of digital PR as your brand’s megaphone, amplifying your voice across the digital landscape. Whether it’s engaging with influencers who genuinely resonate with your brand or securing media placements that boost your search engine rankings, digital PR has a way of planting your brand firmly in the minds – and search results – of your target audience.


Key Objectives of a Successful Digital PR Campaign

Every great digital PR campaign has a few common goals, but the way we achieve them can vary wildly depending on the brand. Let’s take a peek into what a digital PR campaign should aim to achieve – and why it matters. Refilwe Makamedi, PR Account Director, gets into it: 

1.Increase Brand Awareness and Visibility: The goal is to ensure your brand appears in all the digital spaces your audience frequents, whether on social media or their favourite blogs.


2. Build and Manage Brand Reputation: Smart storytelling helps build long-term trust by sharing what makes your brand unique, addressing issues directly, and being authentic.


3. Drive Website Traffic and Improve SEO: Visibility should lead to action. Use SEO-optimised content, backlinks, and media placements to drive traffic to your site.


4.Engage and Build Relationships with Target Audiences: Engage with your audience where they are – whether on social media or trusted blogs – to build a lasting connection.


Ultimately, the magic lies in creating conversations, not just campaigns.


Planning and Executing a Digital PR Campaign

So, now that we know what digital PR can do, how do we make it happen? Planning a digital PR campaign can seem like a juggling act – but with the right strategy, you can keep all the balls in the air.


Boitumelo Mogano, PR Account Manager, walks us through the process: 


“First, define the campaign’s objectives, target audience, and key messaging. Then, conduct thorough research on industry trends, media outlets, and influencers to identify opportunities.” 


The real beauty of digital PR is its flexibility. You can adjust, adapt, and respond to your audience’s needs in real time. Whether you’re crafting personalised pitches to influencers or monitoring the campaign’s progress through analytics tools, digital PR allows you to be proactive and reactive at the same time. And once the campaign’s done? Don’t forget to evaluate your results and celebrate the wins.


What Does a Winning Digital PR Campaign Look Like?

For a brand looking to boost its online presence, few digital PR campaigns hit the mark as perfectly as Spotify’s “Wrapped” campaign. Each year, Spotify users eagerly await the moment they can share their personalised listening data with the world – beautifully encased in the form of an animated infographic punctuated with punchy text and eye-catching visuals.


This includes everything from:


  • Favourite songs, albums, and artists
  • Minutes listened
  • Favourite playlists
  • Listening personality


What makes this campaign so effective? According to Refilwe Makamedi:


 “Spotify created custom visual content for each user, summarising their top songs, artists, genres, and total minutes of listening. This personalised touch resonated deeply with users, making it highly shareable.” 


By turning something as simple as listening data into a personal, shareable experience, Spotify nailed digital PR. Wrapped transformed from a campaign into a viral cultural moment, creating massive buzz and bolstering the brand’s online presence year after year.



Digital PR? Yeah, it’s a bit more than just firing off press releases and hoping for a miracle. It’s about staying quick on your feet, getting creative, and, most importantly, keeping it real. Whether you’re chatting with your audience, flexing your expertise, or driving clicks to your site, Digital PR helps you carve out a space in a crowded digital world.


As Boitumelo Mogano says, it’s all about making genuine content that actually means something to your audience. Nail that, and the rest? It’ll take care of itself.

Flume is an independent, full-service digital marketing agency providing services that include SEO, web design and development, public relations, media buying, client service, UX/UI, and creative production. For more information visit or email us  to say, well, “hello”.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What is Digital PR, and how is it different from traditional PR?

    • Digital PR uses online strategies like social media, blogs, and influencer marketing to build visibility, while traditional PR focuses on media relations and press releases. Digital PR engages audiences in real time and involves a wider online community.
  • 2. Why is Digital PR important for a brand's online presence?

    • Digital PR boosts visibility, builds credibility, and secures high-quality backlinks, enhancing search engine rankings and reaching a targeted audience more effectively.
  • 3. How does Digital PR improve a brand’s SEO?

    • By securing backlinks from reputable online sources and using SEO-optimised content, Digital PR increases website traffic and improves search engine rankings.
  • 4. What are the key objectives of a successful digital PR campaign?

    • The main goals include increasing brand awareness, managing reputation, driving website traffic, and building lasting relationships with target audiences through engaging content.
  • 5. How do you plan and execute a successful Digital PR campaign?

    • A successful digital PR campaign starts with clear objectives, target audience identification, and key messaging. It involves researching industry trends, media outlets, and influencers, followed by crafting personalised pitches and monitoring progress in real time. Post-campaign evaluation is essential to measure success and identify areas for improvement.
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