Authentic Digital PR Strategies Can’t Be Deepfaked

In an age of face filters, fake profiles, PR gimmicks, greenwashing, popularity mongering, and widespread misinformation, transparency can be hard to come by. But don’t be fooled (or frightened); many online users know that all that glitters is not gold. Instead, we have become increasingly sceptical, suspicious, and more adept at seeing who’s the real McCoy. We have also started to place increasing importance on authenticity, as this indicates that a brand is trustworthy. 


So what does this mean for you? 


No matter their age bracket, people across the board will both assess and value the integrity of your digital marketing strategies – including everything from your messaging to your morals. 

Boomer: Right on. 

Gen X’ers: No sh*t, Sherlock. 

Millennials: For reals. 

Gen Z: Facts. 

Gen Alpha: No cap.


Don’t just take their word for it. The 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer can be seen as a gold standard when it comes to understanding people’s trust in institutions, companies, governments, the media, and brands across the globe (check it out for yourself – after finishing this blog, of course). In the most recent edition on consumer trust in brands, a staggering 80% of people surveyed highlighted that they needed to trust a brand in order to purchase its products or services. Meanwhile, 55% were willing to stay loyal to a brand they trusted (even if it was accused of wrongdoing or made mistakes), and 53% were willing to advocate for a brand they trusted and recommend it to others. 


Authenticity is evidently a gold mine when it comes to building trust and loyalty, making it a profitable PR strategy in the long run. Here are a few pivotal tactics for building rapport and trust with your target audience. 


Consistent Messaging and Branding

A well-rounded brand identity helps create both credibility and confidence. Having consistent and familiar VI guides, stylesheets, tone of voice, and messaging in all your communications across social channels is an essential golden rule. Why? Consumers need to understand who you are and what you stand for (plus, your brand doesn’t look like a hot, inconsistent mess). 


An aside… We are not saying to ditch being brave or bold with your brand. We love a strategic rebranding or tweaks grounded in data-driven insights; but tread with caution. The reason why Coke can mess with its logo and win eight Cannes Lions Awards is aided by the fact that it’s one of the most recognisable brands in the world. In other news, Duolingo’s recent icon changes haven’t exactly taken flight (Search for “sick Duolingo bird icon”; we promise it’s worth it). We are watching with eagle eyes to see if this strategy ultimately pays off. 


Transparent Communication and Crisis Management

Things will do wrong. Read that again. Things will go wrong, like having copy errors that say “do” instead of “go”. Beyond these smaller mistakes, you could find your brand in the crosshairs of culture wars. Mistakes will be made, no matter how preemptive you are. Authentic PR strategies help you protect your reputation and navigate the online world when things don’t go to plan. Take accountability, communicate openly, commit to rectifying issues, and be proactive instead of waiting for angry or upset consumers to strike the first blow. (Having a fantastic PR team with the Midas touch also helps).  


Community Involvement and Engagement

A community that you are dedicated to and invested in is far more lenient with your brand and loyal to you. Nurturing these relationships is a golden opportunity to establish trust by engaging with people in organic ways. Your brand’s values, ethics, and ethos should align with your customer base. By tapping into aligned areas of interest, you can promote your brand while investing in identified areas of social responsibility that build its long-term sustainability. 


Authentic Influencer Partnerships

Collaborations with others – influencers in particular – lend credibility to your brand. The bigger their reach and fan base, the better. Yet, once again, you need to prioritise candidness here. Be transparent and open about which user-generated content is paid for and which isn’t. 


PS Always do thorough research before jumping into bed with someone. They don’t necessarily need to have a heart of pure gold (nobody’s perfect), but you do need to consider whether your customers share their experiences or their values. There needs to be alignment; otherwise, you may alienate loyal customers. 


Customer Testimonials and Feedback

While influencer partnerships may not appeal to all brands, social proof remains essential. As we’ve said, we find ourselves in a low-trust, high-suspicion environment. This means that consumers are more likely to believe what others say about your brand. Candid feedback is truly worth its weight in gold. Ensure that you showcase the positive feedback you have received, whether on socials or on a designated part of your website. 


Responsive and Reliable Customer Support

We’ve all been stuck in an endless conversation loop with a “helpful” AI chatbot before. Negative customer experiences erode faith in your brand. A seamless user experience is another way to communicate how you care about your customers. Faulty AI chatbots aside, ensure that your support offering is empathetic and actually adds value. We’re not saying that you need to run an entire 24/7 call centre, but dodging or minimising people’s issues won’t win you any fans, favours, or gold stars. 


Valuable Thought Leadership 

No clickbait. No regurgitated AI content. No nonsense. Fantastic thought leadership not only adds value to your customers but also enriches your brand and positions you as an interesting expert within your industry. Thoroughly researched case studies, surveys, articles, and insights should impart niche nuggets of wisdom gold (That’s a tongue twister. How fast can you say it? Our office record is 0.76 seconds). 


Tip: Going the extra mile is highly rewarding, especially if you implement great SEO strategies into this content. 



It is clear that prioritising authenticity and integrating it into your PR strategies will help you strike brand trust gold! What you do, what you say and how you say it, who you partner with, and what expertise you impart are all pivotal factors that shape the way that people view your brand. 


A quick recap: Have consistent messaging and branding, communicate and handle crises with transparency, engage with communities responsibly and with integrity, emphasise authentic influencer partnerships, provide empathetic and reliable customer support, and generate valuable thought leadership. 


We SINCERElY hope you listen. Stay golden!


Flume is an independent, full-service digital marketing agency providing services that include SEO, web design and development, public relations, media buying, client service, UX/UI, and creative production. For more information visit or email us  to say, well, “hello”.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Why is authenticity important in digital PR strategies?

    • Authenticity builds trust and loyalty with consumers. People are increasingly skeptical of fake profiles, PR gimmicks, and misinformation, and they value transparency and integrity in brands.
  • 2. How can consistent messaging and branding help build trust?

    • Consistent messaging and branding create credibility and confidence. When a brand maintains a familiar tone of voice and visual identity, consumers better understand who the brand is and what it stands for.

  • 3. What should brands do when facing a crisis or making a mistake?

    • Brands should communicate transparently, take accountability, and commit to resolving issues. Authentic PR strategies help manage crises by addressing problems proactively instead of waiting for backlash.

  • 4. How can community involvement enhance brand trust?

    • Engaging with communities in organic ways helps establish trust. When a brand's values align with its customers' interests and social responsibilities, it builds long-term loyalty and sustainability.

  • 5. Why are customer testimonials and feedback essential for brand trust?

    • In a low-trust environment, consumers are more likely to believe what others say about your brand. Displaying positive feedback on social media or your website reinforces trust and credibility.
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